Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is it summer yet?

I was headed home, and couldn't pass up this sunset. So it was back to La Jolla for another round of shooting. And talking about photography with a lady who was interested in what I was shooting and how I got started. Sometimes cameras are like little kids or animals. People see you with them and feel compelled to start a conversation.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's been a while

Well, I got sidetracked by a little thing called bankruptcy. Not mine, but Ritz Camera's. I've been spending the past couple of months closing stores so we can downsize and become a strong company once again. Unfortunately this has been detrimental to my shooting time. Now that the project is over, I hope to be able to get back to a more regular and timely schedule. In the meantime, here are a couple of shots from my recent trip to Joshua Tree. I love that area, and would love to spend more time exploring there, without the demands of running a Boy Scout outing.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Whenever, wherever

I've found that by having my camera with me wherever and whenever I'm out, I can find images. Especially these days, finding time to shoot is getting hard. Working for Ritz Camera, my time is being taken up closing down the labs of those stores that are being closed so we can become a stronger, more streamlined company. As such, I have less time to shoot.

As for this image, I like the fact that it looks like black and white unless you inspect it very close. Then you discover the red lights on the cars. All untouched.

On a different note, it was pointed out to me that I am a mostly "inanimate" photographer. I admit that, because I am reluctant to approach people to ask them if I can shoot. I think I'd like to change that, and will work to do so over the next few months. As I'm out and about I certainly see enough interesting people during the week. Should make for some great images.

Addicted to coffee...

I'll admit it. I'm addicted to coffee. I drink coffee. A lot of it sometimes. I can drink a cup of coffee at 11PM, and be asleep by 11:30. Just ask my family. This has spilled over into my photography (no pun intended) as well. Not only can I spend time photographing my coffee mug, but I've also been collecting a series of "designs in my coffee cup" images.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sorry, I've been away...

My apologies for not posting for some time. I've been busy with work and other activities. This is a dragon statue outside the Mingei Museum in Balboa Park in San Diego. I was actually on my way out of the park when I walked by this statue and couldn't resist spending some time shooting. I got several shots, so more will be posted after the backpacking trip I'm going on this weekend.

It's competition time as well, so I'll be taking several shots to Ritz Camera, where I'll get them printed 16x20 and mounted for display.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

New photo of an old subject

I know, it's been a while. Here is my latest, shot at Vallecitos Stage Station in the Anza Borrego Desert. This grave dates back to the 1800's, and is along the Butterfield Overland Stage route.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Still falling behind...

I know now I won't be able to post every day. I just get too busy for that sometimes. I apologize in advance for those times (like this) where the time between posts may stretch to days (although hopefully it won't be weeks again). I am still shooting, just not posting. I'll put up a few more during the next couple of days as I try to catch up.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

A little busy...

Unfortunately I've been a little busy lately, and that has kept me from posting. I'll be trying to catch up over the next few days, as well as shooting.

I would've liked to do some more with this ferris wheel, but there weren't many riders and I was in a parking lot where I could only get "so" close. Maybe when the fair comes I'll do more ride shooting.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Small details

As I've said before, sometimes it's little detail that catches my eye. Like the nut laying on the sidewalk, or the patterns in the concrete. Key is to have my camera there to get the shot. There was a long time, after I stopped shooting weddings, that I didn't carry a camera at all. I now have it with me all the time. For example, this was after work outside one of the stores I visit. You just never know where you'll find the next shot.

Big thank you's to Fran L. You put me into the round numbers of followers.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Night to day...

Here is the last of the current shots from the night shoot at La Jolla. I like the way the rock looks like it is being lit up during the day, but if you notice, you'll see a couple of divers lights that reappeared twice during the time lapse, as well as a boat drifting on the horizon. That, plus the light spilling in from the side, give this a very surreal look.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A little behind...

As you may have noticed, I'm a little behind. Not in shooting, mind you, but in posting. I'm afraid to say this is going to happen sometimes. I get behind in my computer work, and have such little time to catch up sometimes. Life seems to get in the way, so to speak. I do promise I will catch up as possible, and I've been shooting the whole time. I already see that the task of an acceptable (by me) image a day is going to be tough. I would rather miss a day than put out less than quality images.

Thanks to CarrieK for expanding our little world. I've seen her photos, and I'm impressed. She has a good eye for the world, and a great perspective.