Saturday, January 31, 2009

A little busy...

Unfortunately I've been a little busy lately, and that has kept me from posting. I'll be trying to catch up over the next few days, as well as shooting.

I would've liked to do some more with this ferris wheel, but there weren't many riders and I was in a parking lot where I could only get "so" close. Maybe when the fair comes I'll do more ride shooting.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Small details

As I've said before, sometimes it's little detail that catches my eye. Like the nut laying on the sidewalk, or the patterns in the concrete. Key is to have my camera there to get the shot. There was a long time, after I stopped shooting weddings, that I didn't carry a camera at all. I now have it with me all the time. For example, this was after work outside one of the stores I visit. You just never know where you'll find the next shot.

Big thank you's to Fran L. You put me into the round numbers of followers.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Night to day...

Here is the last of the current shots from the night shoot at La Jolla. I like the way the rock looks like it is being lit up during the day, but if you notice, you'll see a couple of divers lights that reappeared twice during the time lapse, as well as a boat drifting on the horizon. That, plus the light spilling in from the side, give this a very surreal look.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A little behind...

As you may have noticed, I'm a little behind. Not in shooting, mind you, but in posting. I'm afraid to say this is going to happen sometimes. I get behind in my computer work, and have such little time to catch up sometimes. Life seems to get in the way, so to speak. I do promise I will catch up as possible, and I've been shooting the whole time. I already see that the task of an acceptable (by me) image a day is going to be tough. I would rather miss a day than put out less than quality images.

Thanks to CarrieK for expanding our little world. I've seen her photos, and I'm impressed. She has a good eye for the world, and a great perspective.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Night time

I'm finding myself fascinated by night photography right now. The end result is completely different than what you see at the time, revealing a whole new world. This is another image from the La Jolla shoot.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Please, if you like what you see (or don't) please leave a comment. I'd like the feedback to know what other people think about my work. Just please remember to be civil if you don't like what you see. I appreciate all comments, just don't be rude. -Jim


Sometimes patience is what you need to get the right image. Take this one for example. It is a 10 minute exposure, during which I was checking my watch every 30 seconds or so and thinking "is it time yet!" I'm glad I waited. Ending the exposure early would have resulted in a dark image with little contrast.

This was shot durung what was the "biggest full moon of the year". I was out shooting that night, and did not take a single picture of the moon. I figure that everyone is going to have that shot (especially when it was low on the horizon, although the colors at sunset were incredible). Instead I decided to use it as the world's largest nighttime light source. I will be coming back to this theme (night shots) over and over.

Friday, January 9, 2009

A different look

I was looking at this photo on the blog, and decided I wanted to try it as a black and white photo. That's actually what I envisioned when I first took it, but haven't gotten around to playing with it. This is the first attempt for this image, so I may work on it some more. I guess that would be a bit of a warning that this one could come back to haunt us more than once.

The calendar moves on...

Here are the past few day's photos. I may be a little late in posting sometimes, but I will try to catch up. I'm trying to abide by the spirit of the assignment, which is to keep creating new images, rather than the letter of the assignment (365 posts).

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Sometimes it's hard to settle on one image. Take these two for example. They both appeal to me in certain ways, and not in others. I like the runner in the top one, and the sun in the bottom one. I also like the fact that the sign is not in the bottom one, but I couldn't get an angle where I could get the pine tree on the side without having it there. Good thing about this is that I don't have to choose. I can put both images out there for consideration.

Studio on a budget

I put the first image up to show how I shoot my "studio" shots. I don't have thousands of dollars for equipment, and I'm trying not to show it in my photography. It's more about vision and simplicity than about tons of gear. It can be a little challenging to get the vision out of my head and into the camera, and sometimes it changes mid-shoot, but that is the fun.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Here are the photos from a rainy weekend. Enjoy.

Thank you to my newest follower, Kevin L. Glad to have you on board.

Friday, January 2, 2009

The reason I'm doing this...

The reason I'm doing my Photo a Day assignment, especially since I've been shooting for over 20 years now, is to explore and learn a bit. I'm not deluding myself by thinking that every image I create this year is going to be a groundbreaking masterpiece. Many times I'll be coming back to a particular idea in order to refine it (like I mentioned yesterday). That is the reason for the project. I want to be able to look back after a year, and see growth and development as an artist. Or at least not to see repetitiveness or stagnation.

I know that some images will instantly jump out as "winners", while some may undergo many changes during the year and still not quite live up to what I had envisioned. I'm just trying to make more winners than not.

Thanks to Yves Rossy for doubling my number of followers-I'm up to two!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Inspiration is all around

This photo, my official first Photo a Day, is proof that if I look hard enough I can find inspiration all around. I look at this fence every day, but when I really LOOK at it, I see it in different ways. It becomes more than just a fence. It becomes patterns and texture.

I promise to try and not get all "preachy" about my photography. Sometimes I take an image because it has special meaning to me (like the statue), sometimes because it strikes a chord in me, and sometimes I just wander around clicking away hoping to get lucky. Most of the time it's a little bit of all of those put together.